360 Marketing Solution

Are you tired of traditional marketing and "do it yourself" solutions that leave your team stressed and exhausted? Our automated marketing solution blends the best of sophisticated content, automated workflow, and superior customer service. Introducing our bizDigital 360 Marketing System that can help you reach your goals effectively and efficiently!

Reach Your Audience From Every Direction

BizNetz's bizDigital 360 AI-assisted Call/Chat Center, powered by our proprietary customer service training and Quality Assurance methodology, is a game-changer in marketing. It completely revolutionizes your engagement loop, providing superb contact, nurturing, and support. This enhanced engagement will significantly improve a lead's perception, cohesion, and conversion.

One on One Inbound and Outbound Calling

Events - Online / In-Person / Hybrid / Evergreen

Our team answers pre-determined lines based on target audience call-in requests. Based on an interactive database of FAQs, Answers, Recommendation, and solution your caller gets just what they needed. Information exchange, refined targeting, and appropriate scheduled follow-up results from this personal, live interaction. 

One on One Inbound and Outbound Calling

Call Center

Our team answers pre-determined lines based on target audience call-in requests. Based on an interactive database of FAQs, Answers, Recommendation, and solution your caller gets just what they needed. Information exchange, refined targeting, and appropriate scheduled follow-up results from this personal, live interaction. 

Interactive Human Chats (Not Bots)

Online Live Chat

Today's audiences are very comfortable with chatting on the computer or mobile device. Our trained agents can provide them with the interaction, responsiveness, and information that they requested. Take your customer service and audience perception to the next level.

Social Direct Message

Personal Social Interaction

Target audiences are easily identified on social media. Your organization does not have the time to get back to everyone. We do! Let us do the heavy lifting and personalize your interactions even on social media. Our team of qualified agents can answer on the behalf  an individual or the organization to offer the connection and communication that your audience requires and deserves. 

Intelligent Media Management

Digital Media Management and Workflow 

Our ultimate digital asset/media management and storage solution has unlimited storage and intelligent searching capabilities. This all-in-one solution caters to every aspect of your business and will prove itself to be an indispensable asset to your team. With advanced AI-powered tagging and facial recognition, the fully searchable library grants quick access to the right assets in seconds. Share customizable collections and links with your teams, partners, and collaborators to ensure everyone has on-demand access to the content they need. By streamlining the workflow and providing on-brand, high-quality content at scale, our bizDAMz Solution caters to your every need.

Social Marketing and
message interaction

We set up your business /
organization / personal

social media.

landing page with

automated funnels

We help direct your target

audience to your CTA*

Email Campaigns based on

audience interests

We create automated email campaigns
to carefully communicate effectively and cultivate engagement!

Note: CTA is a Call To Action. This gives your visitor a precise action that you desire them to take. Like sign-up or purchase.

Our Solution:

The bizDigital 360 Marketing Solution affords Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who help create and cultivate content that will draw the audience you want to attract. Our team provides engaging content targeted to your audience on your social sites using a combination of expert editors and AI to create great original content. This content can be a combination of your ideas, curated content, and original content that looks and sounds like you.

Engagement Funnels

Get custom, dynamic landing pages with automated sales functions that guide each visitor to take specific actions, including signing up for email updates, online seminars, and all of the CTA's (Call's to Action) the your organization requires.

Online Events, Introductory Overviews, and Online Seminars 

Your audience will be invited to interesting, well-marketed online events that we help facilitate. Their engagement is encouraged and piqued with beautiful email campaigns according to their interests. Let us do the heavy lifting for you and review our results with easy-to-understand data and analytics. We use this data to fine-tune and improve your campaign until you get the desired results!

Comprehensive 360 Marketing Solution

Our 360 Degree Digital Marketing System helps you boost your brand and reach your audience effectively. With bizDigital, you can be sure that your marketing efforts will not go to waste. Our team will work closely with you to create a personalized approach that suits your organization's needs. Your solution may Include

  • Dynamic Landing Pages, Routed Based on Visitor Intent
  • Inbound and Outbound Call / Chat center with Direct Level 1 and 2 Requests / Q&A. Level 3 Routing and Follow-up
  • Social Media direct message interactions and engagement
  • Advertised Live Online Meeting / Webinar / Event Facilitation up to 250 Attendees with Registration
  • Original media creation and licensing
  • Target Marketing to specific marketing personas
  • Content Creation with Social Post Management and Publishing
  • Data Gathering, Analytics, and Reporting with Sophisticated Marketing Campaign Adjustments and Tuning
  • Multi-channel automated email campaigns with interactivity
  • Cloud-based workspace for content/media review, communication, and collaboration
  • Unlimited Storage and Intelligent Digital Asset Management

Customized 360 Marketing

bizDigital 360 Marketing System creates powerful, ubiquitous connections with your organization's desired target audiences. Reach the people you need to - communicate effectively and strengthen engagement from every angle and each channel that is important to them. If your audience is important to you, give them what is important to them!

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