DAP Request

DAP Request Information

Info – This Page!
General – daprequest.com
Photos – photo.daprequest.com
DMD – dmd.daprequest.com
ABC Video – abcvideo.daprequest.com
Cable Channel – cablechannel.daprequest.com
Site Update – site.daprequest.com
Text Asset – text.daprequest.com
Update previously submitted request – update.daprequest.com
Re-work – rework.daprequest.com


new@daprequest.com to create new request via email.

DAP Request Email Format and Instructions:

Please use the following format to email in your request. Include the brackets " [ " and " ] " in your email request.


Email Subject: "Episode / Feature Title” or HELP *

(Note: You can cut and paste the information below)

Requestor: [FirstName LastName].
ShowName: [Name of Show]
SunriseDate: [Date (in format YYYY-MM-DD)]
RequestType: [Text Asset / Photo Asset/  DMD Request/ Cable Channel - Video/ ABC - Video / Site Update]
RequestDetails: [ Text Details of Request / Notes ] *


Number: [Episode Number]
NetWork: [ABC/Free Form/Disney Channel/Disney XD/ Disney JR/ Radio Disney/ Corporate/ TunedIn/ Off-Network]

You can also - Attached Files

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